Saturday, October 15, 2011

Monthly Mugging

Buttercup had her "8 Month Birthday" on October 6th!  As close to each months birthday as we can (thank to Amy S's great baby gift) we stick a number sticker to Buttercup's onesie or shirt and try to capture a cute shot.

As I stated in my previous Monthly Muggings recap post...these photo shoots are getting harder and harder each month.  Buttercup has the dexterity now to take the stickers off and then she tries to eat them.  Also, she's little miss mobile these days so I have approximately .2 seconds to capture the perfect shot...being an amateur photographer and having a camera that processes so S-L-O-W are another two of my photo shoot hardships.

However, no matter what the pictures look like we've got that moment in time captured.  So, without further ado, Buttercup's 8 Month Birthday photo shoot...

~ The standard shot with Pooh Bear
to give a size reference to how Buttercup is growing ~

~ I call this shot "So Ladylike" ~

~ To try to keep her from picking at the sticker I
gave Buttercup a different paper to play with...
however she wasn't fooled ~

~ I call this shot "Yum pape...Momma are you taking a picture of me?" ~

~ I call this shot "Wave that Sock!" ~

~ And...we're done... ~

No matter how good/bad my photography skills may be we have fun!  Thanks for joining us for Buttercup's 8 Month Monthly Mugging!
~ The Woman With 4 First Names

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