Friday, December 16, 2011

Santa's Eyebrows

Through a random happenstance of me wanting to get Buttercup a headband with an over-sized flower for Easter we ended up in the store at the mall that was right next to where the Easter Bunny was set-up.  The store owner informed us that the mall has an Easter Bunny (and a Santa at Christmas-time) to provide parents with the opportunity to get a snap-shot of their kid(s) with their own camera.  Meaning there is no 'professional' photographer therefore you don't have to deal with that side of things if you would just prefer to get a snap-shot yourself.  As you can see Easter went great...and don't you love Buttercup's headband?

With things going so well with the Easter Bunny, Mustang and I decided to head on over to get a picture of Buttercup with Santa.  Now I was very interested to see how Buttercup would do.  She is her Daddy's daughter and is not afraid of anyone so I knew that I had to be prepared for a melt-down moment but I didn't really know if it would happen with Buttercup (aka Miss Social Butterfly).  We approached Santa...her arm tightened around mine.  I passed her over to Santa's waiting ams...and...

She did great!  She wasn't loving Santa but no melt-down, we snapped a few shots and then headed over to Gingerbread land for a family photo opportunity.

After looking through the pictures, Mustang wanted to see if we could get one more "really good one of Buttercup and Santa".  So, we went in for round 2...

...and this time the eyebrows were just too much for the poor girl to take.  I know Buttercup they would've scared me too! 

As we were leaving I turned and saw this sign...

...not the greatest picture of either of us, but how could I pass that up?  Because I do in fact love my little Buttercup!

Sorry for the long absence and Merry almost Christmas!
~The Woman With 4 First Names


  1. How fun! It's amazing how much she's grown since Easter.

  2. Awww I love your buttercup too :) Those Santa pics are incredible, love em'.
