Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Hello again...again!

Wow...the plan to blog more in 2014 failed miserably. Whoops!

Here's to trying again in 2015!

On my mind today is that my first born turns 4 on Friday. The not-so-tiny baby that made me a Mommy has gone from baby to big girl.

August 2011

October 2014

This girl!

10 favorite things about this little lady:

  • Everything that happened in the past, happened "last-er night". "Do you remember Mommy when we went to NC laster night and stayed at Grammy and G's?"
  • I used to think Matt was the most extroverted person I would ever meet. Nope, Madden's got her Daddy beat!
  • Her gorgeous blue eyes. I was so SO excited when my first born kept her blue eyes and that she and I get to share that trait.
  • She forgives me when I make mistakes.
  • Her love of princesses...I get to experience Disney princesses again through Madden's love of them!
  • She has no inside voice...she comes by that honestly!
  • While she might be me in looks, she is her Daddy in personality. It's so crazy and fun (and frustrating) to see a little mini-me that doesn't do things at all like me.
  • She's always on the go. Always questioning. Always pushing buttons. Always curious.
  • She loves being outside.
  • She loves rainbows.
I've been so blessed to be this little lady's Mommy. I'm living the saying "the days are long, but the years are short." 


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