Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Buttercup's Book Adventure

So, I know I've been slow to get started on posting...but I hope you enjoy today's adventure recap...

I'm a 3/4 worker these days, hubby and I have discarded referring to me as part-time because at 30 hours in the office and often a few more on the side 'part-time' really is not the best descriptor for how often I work.  That said, I have every Wednesday and every other Friday as my days out of the office.  Those are my days to delight in my Buttercup!!!

Today Buttercup and I have been doing our usual hanging around routine.  Yet nothing remains 'usual' about our routine these days as Buttercup seems to be growing by the minute and determined to not wait too long to experience things like rolling over, crawling and sitting up.  She's already a roll-over champ and getting closer and closer to crawling and sitting up on her own (which is good thing as her chubby little thighs make the bumbo seat not our best option any more).

Just how close is she to crawling you ask?  Well, we are big on picture books these days so let me tell you a fun and short picture story...

I spy a book, maybe if I fling my body to the side I can get to it.

Well, flinging didn't work...but now I somehow seem to be getting farther from that darn ole book.

Is that Barney on TV...wait who is Barney?

I can DO this!

Pretty fishy...pretty fishy...

Can I eat this fishy?

Wait, there's a book...yeah that's what I wanted...the book!

Look Momma, I got a book!

Definitely not crawling, but if I was a bettin' woman (which I'm not) I don't think it will be much longer at all until we have a crawler in the family!!
~The Woman with 4 First Names

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Hello Blog World

If you’ve known me for a short or long time it’s quite possible that you’ve heard me utter the words “I just LOVE blogs!”  I’ve always wondered, would that LOVE of reading blogs ever stretch into a LOVE of writing a blog?!?  While that question is not fully answered, this after all is only my second post, I have decided to give blog writing a whirl.  Spurred on by a hubby who thoughtfully told me that he likes that I put “a lot of thought into my words” I am totally owning this blog writing thing.

As of today this blog will be a place where family, friends and strangers are welcome to come and enjoy a reading snack and learn what's going on at our home.

Daddy and Buttercup Reading at the Airport

Sunday, July 17, 2011

A Love Letter

Tomorrow is my 2 year anniversary of being married to the man that God made for me.  Our courtship (do people still use that word?!?) and marriage have been filled with many blessings and trials, many kisses and tears and much happiness and frustration.  In honor of being loved by a man that I love all-the-way-down to my toes I write this letter:

My Mustang,

It is over 3.5 years ago that you stood at my door and mumbled "Would-you-consider-letting-me-take-you-out-on-a-date?" (to which I eagerly replied "Yes!").  At that very moment you stole a part of my heart.  You captured the whole thing soon after and I remember the day that I knew I had to tell you that I loved you.  I had no plan of attack, but knew that waiting was not an option.

My Man and me when we were dating 2008
6 months we dated and on our 6 month dating anniversary you asked me a question that made me feel like the luckiest lady in the whole wide world.
Engagement Photo 2008 - Matt Kirk Photography
We were engaged a thrilling and long 13 months.  Those 13 months were filled with love, laughter, tears and times of struggle...we had started knitting our lives together.  Everyday our WEDDING DAY grew closer and closer.  I so appreciated all the hard work you put into the details of planning our wedding day while most men are NID (not into details) that description does not fit you in the slightest.
Wedding Photo 2009 - Matt Kirk Photography
And then we were married.  Happily Ever After and all that, right?!?  To some degree yes, but not in the fairytale sense.  Every day I see more and more how God created us for each other.  As a good friend of mine has said: "Marriage is hard work, but the BEST work." 

10 months into marriage we were amazingly blessed and started our journey to prepare to become parents.  One cold day in February we became parents to a beautiful baby girl.  Buttercup has been such an amazing blessing in our life and I am so glad to be on this parenting journey with you.

I want you to know this anniversary that you mean so much to me and I love you all-the-way-down-to-my-toes!!!!
Family Picture Summer 2011
 Forever yours, Sweetpea