Saturday, October 27, 2012

2 weeks left

I have 2 weeks left of my maternity leave and I'm beginning to feel a little sad. I've had good days and bad days at home with both girls, heck I've had good moments and bad moments in each day that I've been home with the girls, but I feel like I might be getting into a rhythm being home and now I will be returning to work and it makes me a little sad.

Instead of wallowing in that fact I'm going to focus on my favorite memories from the time I've gotten to be with both girls.

Kate's first big toothless smile! No I was not able to get the very first smile captured on camera but I did recently snap this one!

Kate's cooing. I don't remember Madden making as many baby cooing noises as Kate does. It's so fun to "talk" to her.

My big girl Madden. We've watched way too much television in the time that I've been home with her alone but the only thing that I can do to keep her out of harms way while I'm breastfeeding is put on Mickey Mouse (or some other equally entertaining cartoon). There's this line in the Mickey Mouse show we watch that goes "Everyone who has ears say CHEERS!" To which Madden girl yells out "Cheers!" in her cute little voice. Our newest phrase to Madden is "listen with your ears" when she isn't obeying.

Getting to pick Madden up for the first time post c-section. As a mom it's hard to be told you can't lift your little peapod!

Madden and Kate,
You can't possibly understand how much love and joy you have brought into the lives of those around you. Your Daddy and I are so thankful to call you our daughters. We look forward to seeing you grow and know that it will be a fun and challenging ride!

Sometimes it's hard to believe that this is my life, I have so much to be thankful for! Much love,

1 comment:

  1. yay! This post makes me so very happy. I am really looking forward to meeting Kate and visiting the rest of the family when I'm home!
