Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Thoughts...

As I sit here on Easter...enjoy "Mommy" time (aka nap time) wine for obvious reasons...I reflect on all that Christ has done for us...for me. I recently listened to a speaker who told a story about a young man's (teenage years I think) reaction to hearing that "even if it was just him, Christ would have come to save him." He loves us that much. The teens reaction was simple "and imagine...if you were the only one you would have been the one to crucify Him." WHOW.



Let it sink in.

I laughed at the speaker at the moment because of his energy. He's a lot like me when I talk...hands everywhere...emotions at the edge of our sleeves. And then I stopped and thought and then I wiped a tear away. Jesus loves me SO much that He would have come to save me even if I was the only one and I myself nailed him to that cross. It still gives me shivers. It's good to be blown away by the teens around us (even though I don't know this teen), it reminds us that wisdom is not an age thing but a God thing (thank you Beth Moore!).

This Easter I want to thank you Lord for your sacrifice...for your forgiveness...for your beautiful creations...for the many blessings in my life. THANK YOU!

Easter 2012
He is risen indeed!
~The Woman With 4 First Names

1 comment:

  1. Yes!! I am loving everyone's Easter posts - what an exciting day :).
