Monday, August 15, 2011

She must be 11 months old...

My little Buttercup rocks the chub.  Chubby little legs, chubby little cheeks, chubby little arms...she definitely rocks the chub.

Buttercup was also in the 97th percentile for height at her 4 month check-up.  (Her 6 month check-up is on Wednesday, new stats to come!)

Buttercup is on the right - just in case you couldn't figure it out :)
I had a dentist appointment last week.  While I was getting my teeth x-rayed they put Buttercup (in her carseat) in the hallway outside my room so that no stray radiation could hurt her.  While in the hallway 2 hygienists kept her company. 

As I'm listening to them baby talk to Buttercup I hear the one say "You must be right around 11 months old."

Right away (well as soon as my mouth is clear of the thing that they make you bite down on while getting x-rayed) I state "She's only 6 months old, her daddy is 6'7"."

Basketball scholarship anyone?

I just hope she doesn't get my coordination...or her daddy's...
The Woman With 4 First Names

1 comment:

  1. Your baby is the PERFECT size - exactly where she is supposed to be. :)
