Monday, October 8, 2012

In which I return to blogging...

Wowzers...that was a LONG break.

Blogging consistently has been a challenge, obviously...but I am returning to give it a second (maybe third) shot.

Four weeks ago today we left the hospital with our beautiful Katherine Joy.

We've had amazing help from Matt's folks, two weeks with Matt home full-time, our first few trips out of the house with both girls, a fun visit from Matt's lil' sis Elizabeth and we are looking forward to more family and friend visits, a few more adventures and five more weeks of maternity leave for me!

The transition to two has been...overwhelming, wonderful, emotional, scary, superb, sweet and heart-achingly beautiful.

My prayer for my two beautiful girls is that they grow to love the Lord and love others. I pray for my relationship with them, their relationship with Matt, Matt's and my relationship and for their relationship with each other. I pray for us to continually show love to one another. I am blessed by them already and by the man they call daddy.

Much love,

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