Saturday, October 27, 2012

2 weeks left

I have 2 weeks left of my maternity leave and I'm beginning to feel a little sad. I've had good days and bad days at home with both girls, heck I've had good moments and bad moments in each day that I've been home with the girls, but I feel like I might be getting into a rhythm being home and now I will be returning to work and it makes me a little sad.

Instead of wallowing in that fact I'm going to focus on my favorite memories from the time I've gotten to be with both girls.

Kate's first big toothless smile! No I was not able to get the very first smile captured on camera but I did recently snap this one!

Kate's cooing. I don't remember Madden making as many baby cooing noises as Kate does. It's so fun to "talk" to her.

My big girl Madden. We've watched way too much television in the time that I've been home with her alone but the only thing that I can do to keep her out of harms way while I'm breastfeeding is put on Mickey Mouse (or some other equally entertaining cartoon). There's this line in the Mickey Mouse show we watch that goes "Everyone who has ears say CHEERS!" To which Madden girl yells out "Cheers!" in her cute little voice. Our newest phrase to Madden is "listen with your ears" when she isn't obeying.

Getting to pick Madden up for the first time post c-section. As a mom it's hard to be told you can't lift your little peapod!

Madden and Kate,
You can't possibly understand how much love and joy you have brought into the lives of those around you. Your Daddy and I are so thankful to call you our daughters. We look forward to seeing you grow and know that it will be a fun and challenging ride!

Sometimes it's hard to believe that this is my life, I have so much to be thankful for! Much love,

Monday, October 8, 2012

In which I return to blogging...

Wowzers...that was a LONG break.

Blogging consistently has been a challenge, obviously...but I am returning to give it a second (maybe third) shot.

Four weeks ago today we left the hospital with our beautiful Katherine Joy.

We've had amazing help from Matt's folks, two weeks with Matt home full-time, our first few trips out of the house with both girls, a fun visit from Matt's lil' sis Elizabeth and we are looking forward to more family and friend visits, a few more adventures and five more weeks of maternity leave for me!

The transition to two has been...overwhelming, wonderful, emotional, scary, superb, sweet and heart-achingly beautiful.

My prayer for my two beautiful girls is that they grow to love the Lord and love others. I pray for my relationship with them, their relationship with Matt, Matt's and my relationship and for their relationship with each other. I pray for us to continually show love to one another. I am blessed by them already and by the man they call daddy.

Much love,

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Thoughts...

As I sit here on Easter...enjoy "Mommy" time (aka nap time) wine for obvious reasons...I reflect on all that Christ has done for us...for me. I recently listened to a speaker who told a story about a young man's (teenage years I think) reaction to hearing that "even if it was just him, Christ would have come to save him." He loves us that much. The teens reaction was simple "and imagine...if you were the only one you would have been the one to crucify Him." WHOW.



Let it sink in.

I laughed at the speaker at the moment because of his energy. He's a lot like me when I talk...hands everywhere...emotions at the edge of our sleeves. And then I stopped and thought and then I wiped a tear away. Jesus loves me SO much that He would have come to save me even if I was the only one and I myself nailed him to that cross. It still gives me shivers. It's good to be blown away by the teens around us (even though I don't know this teen), it reminds us that wisdom is not an age thing but a God thing (thank you Beth Moore!).

This Easter I want to thank you Lord for your sacrifice...for your forgiveness...for your beautiful creations...for the many blessings in my life. THANK YOU!

Easter 2012
He is risen indeed!
~The Woman With 4 First Names

Saturday, April 7, 2012

When Thank You Seems Too Small

 30 things I am thankful for from my 30th birthday (and week)
1. Hubby's chocolate cheesecake
2. "Happy Birthday" which you are told Happy Birthday 30 times
3. Surprise dessert celebrations
4. Free babysitters...Ann and Mike you rock!
5. Brownie care package from Dad
6. Sweet cards
7. Funny cards
8. Note from hubby
9. Friends gathering to celebrate
10. Chocolate truffles from the Henderson's
11. People fretting over whether they've ruined the surprise dessert celebration...but they didn't (Andy!)
12. Buttercup "saying" love you
13. Late evening phone calls that make you feel you Joyce!
14. Multiple phone calls/voicemails from Dad before I'm even out the door to work
15. Hubby's chocolate cheesecake - it is SO good
16. Sweet friends offering their house to host dessert celebration...thank you Greg and Sarah!!
17. Work peeps that wish you happy birthday
18. Work peeps that remind you that 30 is young
19. Friends that tell you that "you are SO old"'
20. Friends that "welcome you to the club"
21. Neighbors that give up their Friday night to watch your daughter and stay to chat after...can not say thank you enough Ann!!
22. Happy Birthday texts
23. Fried mushrooms...oh Quivey's Grove how I enjoy your fried mushrooms
24. Phone calls from family
25. Sharing stories over dessert
26. Laughing with friends you haven't seen in too long...Pastor Dr. Terri
27.  My organized and thoughtful hubby
28. Kind and thoughtful birthday emails...your words meant so much Julie and Mandy
29. Facebook happy birthday wall posts - first birthday on FB!
30. Hubby's chocolate cheesecake - you really have no idea JUST how good it is...unless you've had it and then you do know
Much love folks!
The Woman With 4 First Names

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Birthdays and Such

My daughter is a year old.  One whole entire year she's been on this earth (outside of the womb).  Wow.

I turn 30 this 2 days.

I'm also preggars.
The year I turn 30 is the same year my daughter turned 1 (and my hubby turns 29 - I know I'm a cradle robber). 
My life has changed a lot over the past 5 years. 
  • 2007 - really engage in life with a great group of friends, start spending more time with one particular boy, play at lot of golf, the last Harry Potter book comes out and fabulous pals make fun of you after a night of staying up late and reading aloud to one another, those same fabulous pals tell you that you should really like boy, start realizing you do like boy, BAM he asks you out
Mustang's birthday dinner in 2007 - I was behind the camera!
  • 2008 - first kiss with boy, boy proposes, meet boy's family for the first time (after we are engaged - talk about pressure), boy undergoes MAJOR back surgery, plan wedding
Blackhawk Dance 2008
  • 2009 - meet a best friend (does fasting make you hungry???), buy a house, remodel parts of house, GET MARRIED, go on a honeymoon, live with boy
Me and my wedding at first sight!
  • 2010 - get the best valentine's day gift ever, realize boy and my family will grow soon, spend more than half the year pregnant and preparing for a new addition, decide to lead a life group through our church and meet a new group of friends, boy's grandma dies and at her funeral I learn about a beautiful God-loving woman
Preggars in Fall 2010
  • 2011 - Buttercup ARRIVES, postpartum anxiety follows, support from friends follows, support from Mustang ever present, experience joys of motherhood, watch baby grow into not a baby, learn how to be parents and significant others (still learning)
God-Mama D and Buttercup at Dedication
  • 2012 - Buttercup turns 1, I turn 30, Mustang transitions to a stay-at-home dad, we will meet our second child, focus on trusting God and leaning on my hope in the Lord
Mommy and Daddy just told me the news - SUPER exciting!

I feel so blessed to be walking the path I am.  Yesterday as part of a new challenge I'm taking part of I had to think about my #1 priority.  My #1 priority is to be known as a God fearing and loving woman, a respectful wife, a steadfast mother and a dedicated friend.  God deserves my attention, service and faithfulness.  I desire to one day hear the words "Well done, good and faithful servant."  My husband deserves my love and respect.  I am called to love and respect him through acts of service, his love language, and while I know this will be difficult for me because I am not trained well in that area he deserves my effort to get better.  My daughter and womb-baby deserve a loving, steadfast mother who models her faith, shows her love and support of their father and loves them unconditionally according to God's plan and prepares them to live a God-honoring life.  My friends deserve a true friend because that's what they've been to me.  The biggest obstacle I will have this year as I live out my #1 priority is my battle with anxiety and fear.  But, God is BIGGER than my anxiety and fear...and He will (probably is doing so currently) carry me through the tough parts.

Much love,
~The Woman With 4 First Names

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Thank You

We were brought to our knees this week in thankfulness due to God's grace. He, who knows me better than I do, walked with us through a situation that by all accounts sucked.

He provided blessings, when we expected only hardships.

He provided soft hearts, when we expected stone.

He provided.

This is a simple Thank You to He who deserves the most thanks.
The Woman With 4 First Names

"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord."
                                                                            - Joshua 24:15

Monday, March 19, 2012


Be strong and courageous
is the new Sally motto.
Change is coming
some expected
yeah new baby!
Change is coming
some unexpected…and a little scary
Change is coming
and we would appreciate your prayers.

Much love,
The Woman With 4 First Names

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A Year Full Of Buttercup

Our daughter turned 1 this month.  She's now been on this earth, outside of the womb, one whole entire year (plus some days).  Wow.

Last year when it was time to switch the calendar to February I was anxiously awaiting my body to GO INTO LABOR.  After all my due date was February 2nd and I was ready to have my body back as my own and to meet the baby that was growing inside of me.  My baby had other plans, she was content being all snugly in the womb.  Hence being induced and going through 36 hours of labor that resulted in a c-section.  That was what my daughter had in store for me.  My daughter's name is Madden, we had several possible names picked out and I told Mustang that in order for her to be "Madden" she would have to come out with some spunk.  She did. 

I remember...
  • holding her and letting her sleep in my arms because I couldn't bear to put her down
  • taking more pictures in her first year of life than we probably will for the next five
  • hearing her laugh for the first time
  • how excited we were when she slept through the night the first time...and then when it happened again
  • looking at little kids shortly after Mustang and I began dating and wondering if we did get married what our kids would look like, be like...and being blown away the first time I was able to see Buttercup
  • how Buttercup's smile has always been big and beautiful
  • how this year offered us our first glimpses into her personality
  • saying multiple times how Buttercup is her Daddy's daughter...a little social butterfly
  • Mustang telling people that she's a Momma's girl
  • thinking I would only call her Maddie...and realizing that I actually prefer Madden or Madds
  • her first steps (at least the ones that I got to see)
  • falling in love with and appreciating her more every day
This past year has been wonderful, great, hard, sleep-depriving, anxiety-ridden, fantastic and full of love.  Seeing my husband as a father...I fall in love with him time and time again.  We are so thankful for our Buttercup, she has brought so much joy into our family and we are looking forward to living life with a 1 year old!

Much love!
~The Woman With 4 First Names 

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Tarzan and New Year's Resolutions

Tonight was a good night.  I don't say that because most nights aren't...because most nights are good nights...this one just definitely was very good and I wanted to acknowledge that and those that I shared it with!

I created this blog with the original intent of focusing only on the good.  Giving a one-sided view and with maybe a sarcastic side-note here or there into some of the hard things.  But I want to focus on the good.


Because I am blessed.  I am so blessed.  And I want to acknowledge that...I want to stay rooted in that...I want to live out my favorite lyrics "you have been changed to bring change".

Our VERY Blessed Family
I also want to be honest.  I have struggles.  And this last year those struggles rooted themselves in my habits and in my home.

Which means this next year is going to be about breaking some bad habits...about rooting myself in God's word...about beating on God's chest a little (or a lot) because He can handle it.

Therefore, I resolve to be a bit more Tarzan-like this next year.  I resolve to love others more.  I resolve to be the me that's been changed so that I can be a part of God's plan.

Buttercup says "Bring it on 2012!"
Much love,
The Woman With 4 First Names