Thursday, January 12, 2012

Tarzan and New Year's Resolutions

Tonight was a good night.  I don't say that because most nights aren't...because most nights are good nights...this one just definitely was very good and I wanted to acknowledge that and those that I shared it with!

I created this blog with the original intent of focusing only on the good.  Giving a one-sided view and with maybe a sarcastic side-note here or there into some of the hard things.  But I want to focus on the good.


Because I am blessed.  I am so blessed.  And I want to acknowledge that...I want to stay rooted in that...I want to live out my favorite lyrics "you have been changed to bring change".

Our VERY Blessed Family
I also want to be honest.  I have struggles.  And this last year those struggles rooted themselves in my habits and in my home.

Which means this next year is going to be about breaking some bad habits...about rooting myself in God's word...about beating on God's chest a little (or a lot) because He can handle it.

Therefore, I resolve to be a bit more Tarzan-like this next year.  I resolve to love others more.  I resolve to be the me that's been changed so that I can be a part of God's plan.

Buttercup says "Bring it on 2012!"
Much love,
The Woman With 4 First Names