I'm a 3/4 worker these days, hubby and I have discarded referring to me as part-time because at 30 hours in the office and often a few more on the side 'part-time' really is not the best descriptor for how often I work. That said, I have every Wednesday and every other Friday as my days out of the office. Those are my days to delight in my Buttercup!!!
Today Buttercup and I have been doing our usual hanging around routine. Yet nothing remains 'usual' about our routine these days as Buttercup seems to be growing by the minute and determined to not wait too long to experience things like rolling over, crawling and sitting up. She's already a roll-over champ and getting closer and closer to crawling and sitting up on her own (which is good thing as her chubby little thighs make the bumbo seat not our best option any more).
Just how close is she to crawling you ask? Well, we are big on picture books these days so let me tell you a fun and short picture story...
I spy a book, maybe if I fling my body to the side I can get to it.
Well, flinging didn't work...but now I somehow seem to be getting farther from that darn ole book.
Is that Barney on TV...wait who is Barney?
I can DO this!
Pretty fishy...pretty fishy...
Can I eat this fishy?
Wait, there's a book...yeah that's what I wanted...the book!
Look Momma, I got a book!
Definitely not crawling, but if I was a bettin' woman (which I'm not) I don't think it will be much longer at all until we have a crawler in the family!!
~The Woman with 4 First Names